The plamo projects were not in a standstill in the holidays. After finishing the build of the rafe, I started practicing with airbrushing some old hgs of mine. Until I get some confidence in airbrushing painting the rafe will have to wait. Because airbrushing all the time is somewhat monotonous I decided to start another build. Since i was already working with aiplanes the Valkyrie would be a nice intermediate. I got quite some work done in the holidays. The mochup build is done and I spend some time trying to have it transform.

Here the blank VF25F in airplane modus. The components are somewhat loose and parts do not always join up very well due to the joints used for transforming. The plane modus looks quite nice and sleek but without decals it is somewhat empty.

The VF25F in Gerwalk modus. The gerwalk modus hasn't been a modus I was very fond of. It just looks a bit weird. The landing gear and the body-mounted gun are removed. The engines are rotated down and have become legs. Furthermore using a mechanism in the engines/motor allows the thruster to pulled out more making it become an ankle and foot. Also arms are rotated out from the body. The tail becomes the shield. The shield also holds a knife.

The VF25F in Battroid modus. Here is a shot of the VF25F holding the rifle. Transforming to battroid required more work. The wings were folded back in. The hips were straigthened out making it become more of a standing leg. The cockpit area is divided in several parts that fold into the body. Whereas the head and antennae pop up from the body.
2 different sheets of decals were in the box. A clear sticker sheet and a water decal sheet. Saving the water decals for the more high quality painted version in the future I have started to put the sticker decals on the body. This is quite some work handling the damn small decals. I haven't finished putting on the decals yet. I guess I'll save that for later.
Valkyrie girl via
moe.imouto.org (original a megami creators poster)