Gemuste has done a poll on favourite anime series and has put up results by gender. When taking a look at the results:

1) K-On!
2) The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi
3) Lucky Star
4) Gundam (all series)
5) Saki
6) Evangelion
7) Nanoha
8) Hetalia
9) Clannad
1) Gundam (all series)
2) K-On!
3) Code Geass
4) Macross Frontier
5) Evangelion / Toradora! (tie)
6) The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi
7) Lucky Star
8) Clannad
9) Guren Lagan
Seeing the amount of mecha series in the girls top 10 (or top 5 even), makes it looks like there are quite some girls that like mecha series. It looks like the new approach of putting bishounen in mechas pays off. I'm not sure about the accuracy as there were 923 males compared with only 360 females who answered. But it does look like the target audience is evolving.
via altjapan via gemuste
image via gelbooru