Thursday, April 1, 2010


I've been back for a while now but have been neglecting the blog ^^;;
Will update with more japantrip posts when I have sorted out the pictures.

Today is 4/1 and many companies do some major things to celebrate April fools.

Good Smile Company chose to extend the joke they did last year. A second movie with Asanon as main character was announced.

Type Moon prepared something much bigger. Just for 4/1 several Type Moon characters started a twitter account and started twittering for a day long. Most of the accounts are removed now and traces of the prank are being erased. At this moment Sion and Makidera's pages are still around. Also Kohaku's twitpic page and Shirou's seem to be alive
Some of the tweets:
Kohaku woke up first tweeting about patrolling the mansion to waking up Akiha and making breakfast. Saber's day compised of eating the food Shirou made, sleeping, sword maintenance and taking pictures of the food she ate... Rin is bad with computers and needed Archer's help to get on twitter. It didn't take many tweets before she gave up. At some moment Dark Sakura woke up and ate shinji. Quite some effort for an april fools prank but is was very amusing.

Google Japan created a special keyboard for japanese input

Nicovideo lost colors and went all black n white.

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